Drama is unproductive conflict that can cause a drain on people, teams, and organizations.

How much is it costing you?

Try our free Drama Calculator to measure the cost of drama to your team or organization.

Question 1*

How many people are involved in the drama?

Question 2*

Enter the salary of each person involved, including your salary if you are impacted. If you don’t know individual salaries that’s OK, an estimated salary will work. We blend the salaries to assess impacts.

Question 3*

How long has the drama been going? Enter the days, weeks or months.

Question 4*

How would you rate the drama right now?

Question 5*

Has anyone left, changed teams or been removed as a result of the drama or connected to the drama?

Question 6*

Has anyone left or changed teams?

The Financial Impact of Workplace Drama

Based on your submitted information:

Total Cost Incurred


Ongoing cost per week


This is only from your scenario. What about the rest of your organization?

Compassionate Accountability® is the antidote to drama.

Start building your culture of Compassionate Accountability today!

Compassionate Accountability is the process of building connections while getting results - no compromises. It is the antidote to drama because it transforms the struggle from negative to positive. The principles of Compassionate Accountability can help you assess your strengths and liabilities, identify where to focus, and correct the interactions that create your culture and impact your brand.

Start assessing your culture today

By sharing your name and email with us, we will send you:
-Three questions to put in every survey to assess compassionate accountability in your culture.
-The Compassion Mindset Survey

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Be sure to check your spam and promotional folders for an email from aaron@next-element.com and add it to your contacts so you continue to receive our communications.
With gratitude,

The Next Element Team